quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011


Welcome to Mega War Shop.

PictureDescriptionSelect product
helmet of the ancients (6 points)
(Arm:15, distance fighting +12, protection physical +5%, energy +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, death +5%) Royal Paladin
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glacier mask (6 points)
(Arm:10, magic level +12, protection physical +5%, energy +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, death +5%)Master Sorcerer and Elder Druid
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Winged Helmet (6 points)
(Arm:20, club fighting +12, sword fighting +12, axe fighting +12, protection physical +5%, energy +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, death +5%) Elite Knight
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dwarven armor (7 points)
(Arm:25, distance fighting +10, protection physical +12%, energy +12%, fire +12%, ice +12%, death +24%)Royal Paladin
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glacier robe (7 points)
(Arm:20, magic level +10, protection physical +12%, energy +12%, fire +12%, ice +12%, death +12%) Master Sorcerer and Elder Druid
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draken mail (7 points)
(Arm:30, club fighting +10, sword fighting +10, axe fighting +10, protection physical +12%, energy +12%, fire +12%, ice +12%, death +12%) Elite Knight
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dwarven legs (6 points)
(Arm:20, distance fighting +15, speed +20) Royal Paladin
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glacier kilt (6 points)
(Arm:15, magic level +12,protection death +6%, speed +20) Master Sorcerer and Elder Druid
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demon legs (6 points)
(Arm:25, club fighting +15, sword fighting +15, axe fighting +15,protection death +6%,speed +20) Elite Knight
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Shield of Corruption (6 points)
(Def:50, distance fighting +15) Royal Paladin
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icy rainbow shield (6 points)
(Def:45, magic level +10) Master Sorcerer and Elder Druid
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amazon shield (6 points)
(Def:55, club fighting +15, sword fighting +15, axe fighting +15) Elite Knight
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Mega Arrow (7 points)
(Atk:90) Royal Paladin
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Mega Wand (7 points)
ATK: 90-130
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Mega Rod (7 points)
ATK: 90-130
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Mega Sword (7 points)
(Atk:70, Def:40) Elite Knight
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Mega Axe (7 points)
(Atk:68, Def:60) Elite Knight
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Mega Club (7 points)
(Atk:71, Def:38) Elite Knight
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Vip Ring (2 points)
500 health/1sec + 500 mana/1sec Duration 500 Minutes
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glacier shoes (10 points)
Def:10, 180 health/1sec + 180 mana/1sec + 20 Speed, infinite.(Master Sorcerer and Elder Druid)
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Draken Boots (10 points)
Def:10,180 health/1sec + 180 mana/1sec + 20 Speed, infinite.(Elite Knight and Royal Paladin)
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#DescriptionSelect product
Change NameChange Name (4 points)
Trocar nome do Character.OBS: Tem que estar offline!
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